Completing your funding information

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1.Click the My Profile button in the top left section of the Assyst Real Estate main page. This will display the My Profile window.
2.Click the Funding Info tab.
3.Complete or modify the following fields in the Funding Info tab :



Financial Institution

Drop-down list. Select a financial institution

Trust Account Name

Text field. Enter the name of the owner of the Trust Account

Transit No.

Numeric field. Enter the financial institution's transit number

Transit Name

Display the Transit Name of the Caisse

Note: This field is displayed only when the financial institution selected is Caisse and when a transit number is entered in the field Transit No.

Trust Account

Numeric field. Enter your trust account number


Check box. Select the account you normally use

Note: only one account can be selected


4.Click the Save button to save your modifications. This will close the My Profile window.

The information is saved. These data are merged when the system generates the Preliminary Reports for your files.