You can modify a note that you created yourself and add additional information. You cannot modify a note once it is marked as "Read". You cannot modify a note created by someone else, especially those received from the financial institutions.
1. | Select a file in your list of files. |
2. | Click the Notes tab. This will display the list of notes for this file. |
3. | Click to select a specific note and display the text of this note. You can only modify a note that you created yourself and as long as the note is not marked as "Read". In the other cases, the modify function is not available. |
4. | Click the Modify link. This will open the Add a Note dialog box. |
5. | You can modify the text of the note (Note) or the subject (Subject) and add additional information. |
6. | Click the Save button to save your modifications and close the Add a Note dialog box.
The note is then updated with your modifications. |