Certified Payout Statement Received

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After examining the Payout Statement Request, the Lender complete information of the Reimbursement Details section and send the Certified Payout Statement to the Legal Counsel.

The Certified Payout Statement is automatically generate and available in your Documents section under the name of the Lender.

Receive and view the Certified Payout Statement
1.A message is displayed in your Note section to advise you that you have received Certified Payout Statement.

note_ps received


2.The Certified Payout Statement is automatically generate and available in your Documents section under the name of the Lender.


3.The Certified Payout Statement Received status is displayed in gray because you do not have to take action for this step. Once Certified Payout Statement has been sent to you by the Lender, the box Certified Payout Statement Received will be check by the system and date and time will be displayed at the right of the status.
