Current Registered Owner(s) |
The Current Registered Owner(s) section allows you to enter or modify the information related to the Previous Borrower. You enter information on all borrowers (borrower, guarantor or commercial) for which you must send a Payout Request. The name of each Previous Borrower that you enter in the Current Registered Owner(s) section is displayed in the Interest to be Discharged section allowing you to select it at this point. In the Current Registered Owner(s) section, only the name of the Borrower is mandatory. Information entered in the Address section and phones section are for informational purposes only. By default, the address displayed in the Address section is the same as that presented in the Property section of the Mandate page. It can be modified, if necessary.
If a Previous Borrower is already selected in the Previous Borrower(s) section in the Interest to be discharged page
The sections Name of the Contact Given by the Financial Institution. The Representative section displayed on the right allows you to add information about Commercial.
You can enter up to 3 representatives per company. Be sure to confirm if the Commercial is a Borrower or a Guarantor. The Current Registered Owner(s) section is made of the following components: