Selecting the Financial Institution and the Funding Information

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When you generate the Preliminary Report in the Document section, the dialog box Generate a Document is displayed allows you to select the trust account that will be used when transferring funds. This information will also be generated in the Preliminary Report. If you have not previously entered any information regarding a Financial Institution in the Funding Info section, only the Cheque / Bank Draft option is selected.

By default, the Financial Institution you have previously entered in the Funding Info section is selected. If you enter more than one Financial Institution and if the Favorite box was not checked for any of them the option button will be selected before the first financial institution displayed in the list. You can modify your choice by selecting another Financial Institution.

image note     If Cheque / Bank Draft is selected, no Financial Institution will be selected and no information regarding the Financial Institution will be merged in the preliminary report.

image note   For all Desjardins mandates, if your trust account is held at a financial institution other than Desjardins and this account has been previously activated, you can receive electronically a mortgage disbursement via Assyst Payment. (see Assyst Payment Solution)

Desjardins mandate disbursement