Signing PDF Documents

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This procedure applies for PDF documents using a digital signature provided by your official provider.

To electronically sign a PDF document
1.Click the Documents tab. This will display the categories of documents available for the file.
2.Click the _img36 sign to the left of a category name to display the generated documents belonging to this category.  A list of  documents is displayed. A _img37 sign is then displayed to the left of the category name meaning the list is expanded.
3.Click the name of a document to select it. It is highlighted.
4.Click the Open link to the right of the list of documents.

The document is opened in Adobe Reader.

5.Click the Digital Signature box.

This opens the Add Digital ID dialog box.

6.Select Browse for an existing ID File and click Next.
7.Use the Browse button to look for your digital signature file on your computer, select and then enter your password.
8.Follow the different steps until you apply the signature to the document and save it. The signature is validated. The system confirms the signature process and sends the document to the financial institution.

The system saves the document and adds it to the list of signed documents. The signature is then displayed in the PDF document.

When the transmission is completed and approved, the details of the transmission are displayed in the Transmission Information section: the name of the recipient, its e-mail address, the name of the sender and the sending date.

image note  As soon as a preliminary report is transmitted to the financial institution, the file status automatically becomes Preliminary Report Transmitted in the Status section of the File tab.

image note  As soon as a final report is transmitted to the financial institution, the file status automatically becomes Final Report Transmitted in the Status section of the File tab.