Accepting New Files |
You have 2 business days to accept a new file when it is displayed in the list of your new files in Assyst Real Estate. Besides a notary, legal assistants and other lawyers/notaries can accept a file in the name of the lawyer/notary they work with, if delegated that right. Accepting a new file means:
At the end of the acceptance process, the new file accepted is transferred from the list of new files to the list of current files under the name of the financial institution which has assigned this new file to you (and under the name of the notary responsible for it in case of file sharing and if you have the right to modify the current files). The new file status is set to "File Accepted" in the Status section of the File tab. The time and date the file was accepted are also indicated. An acceptance notification is automatically sent to the financial institution which assigned it to you to inform it of the file status. |