Viewing the Invoice and Accessing the File

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Viewing the invoice and the confirmation of the payment is the last step in the file acceptance process.

In the previous steps, you have accepted the Assyst Real Estate Usage Agreement and confirm the payment of the inherent charges. In this last step, you will be able to consult and print the final invoice.

After accepting the payment, a new window is displayed with the final invoice. The invoice includes the following information: file number, name of the main borrower and property address and the amount to be paid including taxes.

To accept a new file – Viewing Invoice step

In this final Accept File window, a message is displayed on top to confirm that the payment has been processed and to give you a reference number. A soft copy of the invoice is automatically generated and kept in the list of documents available for this new file


1.You can print a copy of the invoice by clicking the Print link at the bottom right side of the window. This will display the Windows Print window. Click the Print button to start printing.
2.Click the Open File button to open the new accepted file and consult the information. This will close the Accept File window. The new file is displayed. You can now edit it and start processing it.

image note In case of file sharing, if the Access files permission has not been granted, the Open File option is not available.

The new accepted file is transferred from the list of new files to the list of your current files under the name of the financial institution which has assigned this new file to you (and under the name of the notary responsible for it in case of file sharing and if you have the right to modify the current files).
The new file status is set to "File Accepted" in the Status section of the File tab. The time and date the file was accepted are also indicated.

image note  You can generate at any time the transaction report to view the transaction that has been completed. For more details on the transaction reports, refer to the Working with Transaction Reports section.

To accept a new file – Consulting New Files
1.In the list of new files on the left pane, click the name of the file you want to consult.

The file you have selected is displayed in a lightest color than the other files. The information related to this new file is displayed on the right pane.  As long as you do not accept a file, you cannot modify the file information or add new information.

2.Use the scroll bars on the right side to move vertically the content of the window and display the information that is at the bottom of the page.
3.Repeat the steps above to consult another new file.

image note In case of file sharing if the Accept files permission has not been granted, new files are not displayed.