Discharge Registered

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It is the last status of the Discharge process. This status is use to inform the Lender that the Discharge was registered. The status Discharge Registered is displayed in blue to indicate that you need to intervene at this stage of the process.

Note:  This operation can be completed only if the status Authorization to Discharge is checked.

Inform the Lender that the Discharge is registered

You must inform the lender after the registration of the discharge to the Land Register.


1.Enter the Discharge registration number given by the Land Register in the field Discharge Registration #.
2.Enter the Discharge registration date given by the Land Register in the field Publish Date.
3. Click on Discharge Registered status.

The box Discharge Registered is automatically checked and date and time are displayed at the right of the status.


image note  For more information about registration purposes, refer to Registering Microsoft Word Documents