The sending function is used to send a document electronically to a recipient. This is mainly used for title insurance requests. You can by this way send a request for a title insurance policy via Assyst Real Estate (to the Stewart Title company, for example).
1. | Click the Documents tab. This will display the categories of documents available for the file. |
2. | Click the sign to the left of a category name to display the generated documents belonging to this category.
Select the Title Insurance Request category. |
3. | Click the name of a document to select it. It is highlighted. |
4. | Click the Send link on the right of the list of documents. |
The Send function is only enabled if the sending process can be done for the document that you have selected.
A confirmation message is displayed.
5. | Click the OK button to confirm the operation. Your request for a title insurance is automatically send to the Title company via Assyst Real Estate. |
The confirmation of the transmission process is displayed in the Transmission Information section. You will find in this section the name of the recipient, its e-mail address and the sending date.